Minggu, 27 Juni 2010

world cup 2010


you can try this one if you support argentina too! a simple blue and white strips long-hand cloth and a kind of a jeans dress! yeah now you can joint the soccer party with a style that remains feminine

celebrity look a like part 2

now check this one! rachelle lefevre as victoria in the twilight saga. you can wear the green coat with a red shirt and that tight! what a wonderful colour right!

and this one----->

she looks like taylor swift with a kind of a bridal dress and a tihgts! but look the "taylor swift" is sleepy-_- hahah


Sabtu, 26 Juni 2010

Celebrity Look Alike

hemm.. kinda confuse.. what should i write... HEM I KNOW. i wanna share my newest style. it's about "Rihanna" check this one rude boy: 


Unique Gadget

^^^^^^ today, we're gonna post about "gadget". yes.  gadget is not only a boy thing. we can have it too. these are the unique and fancy gadget in our version 

Jumat, 25 Juni 2010

looking a look

ok, ini perpaduan dari kaos / semacam sweater cream sama semacam vest yang lagi marak banget.. tapi biasa nya kan di pake sama kaos tangan pendek,kata nya sih panas kalo pake tangan panjang.. tapi why not we try to wear that! look its.. simply cute right! and its not too 'hot' hahaha gak panas!

welcome snack :)

hi! im naboo and tami, pertamatama kita mau ngucapin terimakasih buat kalian yang udah mau ngeliat blog kita:) terus makasih buat looklet yang udah membantu kita menuangkan hasrat minat fahsion kita! dan buat yang ngeliat blog ini semoga bisa membantu dan menjadi sumber inspirasi kalian!


tami - naboo*

How to use your printed shirt

muzzy about how to use your printed t-shirt? try some of these style that might be good for you: 

selamat mencoba :)


i don't know why i love this style. it looks very simple but still. it fits and great. try now!

Black Attack!!

wanna join the black night party, but you don't have any black dress? try this one!

you just need :
- Black jumpsuit 
-big bangles
-long necklace
-black ring
-white earings
-black heels

mix all in one and voila! you've got the simple jumpsuit "dress"



We're officially made this blog for fashion inspiration. Don't forget, check the owners blog too Naboo Karenzi and HutamiNR and visit out twitter page : @tamilanr @nabookarenzi

